
的 办公室 研究诚信与合规 at bet365中文大学 is committed to helping researchers —faculty, 工作人员, 学生遵守所有适用的联邦法律, 状态, 以及制度要求和政策. 研究 integrity and compliance areas covered by this office include Human Subjects Protections, 利益冲突, 负责任的研究行为. bet365中文大学 research activities are overseen by two regulatory and compliance committees—的 院校覆核委员会 for human subjects research and 的 机构动物护理和使用委员会 for animal research.

Failing to meet compliance may result in penalties to 的 机构 and in some cases to 的 individual researcher. It is your responsibility as a researcher to be familiar with university policies relating to areas of research requiring compliance with federal, 状态, 以及大学的规章制度. 的 links below will provide you with additional information on policies, procedures, and 的指导方针.



院校覆核委员会 regulates all research activities involving human subjects at bet365中文大学 (AU). 的 board ensures that AU researchers operate within 的 provisions of 的 Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) for 的 protection of human subjects obtained from 的 U.S. 人类研究保护办公室 (OHRP). 它保证了权利, 人类受试者的安全和福利, and researchers compliance with all applicable federal, 状态, 以及非盟关于研究活动的政策. 这些包括初始, 延续, 修改应用程序, 未预料到的问题, 以及所谓的违规行为.

的 AU IRB手册 offers important guidance for both faculty members and students. Suggested revisions of 的 handbook may be submitted by email to irb@weianrenfang.com, and 的se recommendations will be considered during 的 normal handbook evaluation and revision process. 

如需额外协助, 请联系Mordekai Ongo, 研究合规和诚信官员, 电话:(269)471-6361或电子邮件 irb@weianrenfang.com.



bet365中文大学 (AU) 机构动物护理和使用委员会 oversees and evaluates all aspects of 的 机构's animal care and use. It particularly ensures that researchers dealing with animals comply with U.S. 联邦法律. This website provides you with information to guide you in preparing and submitting applications for use of animals in research and/ or teaching approval. Additional links and resources including required training, 的指导方针, and AU IACUC review meetings are also provided for your use. Click on 的 following link to access materials you will need to be aware of before submitting your application 机构动物护理和使用委员会

如需额外协助, please contact 的 AU IACUC Chair Denise L. 史密斯博士,电话:(269)471-3242或通过电子邮件 denises@weianrenfang.com.



作为一个大学的学者群体, it is important that our research and scholarship is conducted and shared with integrity and in compliance with ethics in research. 研究办公室促进研究诚信, compliance and quality research within 的 university community. This is achieved partly through education and training programs provided on research involving human subjects and animals. 


All students involved in sponsored research at bet365中文大学 must complete training in 负责任的研究行为(RCR) 可以在 EthicsCORE. 这个培训是必需的 荣誉学生 以及通过 内部 来源(教员研究补助金, 本科生研究学者奖, 研究生研究助理奖学金)和 外部 来源(私人、公司和政府补助). Federal 的指导方针 require Responsible Conduct of 研究 training for research funded by NSF, NIH和USDA. In addition to 的se requirement, RCR training is available for all interested students.


All students and faculty doing research with human subjects at bet365中文大学 must complete 保护人体受试者训练 (formerly labeled NIH training), which is available in English, Spanish and French. External investigators doing research at Andrews must also complete this training. IRB申请, 的 Principal Investigator and co-investigators are required to submit 的ir certificates of completion. Student researchers must include a training certificate for 的 faculty research advisor along with 的ir IRB application.


这些视频 cover a variety of topics from 的 protection of human subjects to avoiding research misconduct. We strongly encourage researchers to watch 的se optional trainings, especially 的 Lab.




Honesty in all academic matters is a vital component of personal integrity. 要了解更多信息,请查看该大学的 学术诚信政策. Additionally, a description of research integrity is covered in 工作政策2:158:2-6.


的 university may grant waivers in certain circumstances w在这里 的 researcher’s private holdings are determined not to amount to a conflict of interest or have 的 potential for influencing research results or 的 reporting of results. It is 的 responsibility of 的 individual researcher to request a conflict of interest waiver from 的 Director of 的 办公室 Scholarly 研究. This due process is outlined in Appendix 2-C of 的 university's Working Policy, available online 在这里.


以确保正当程序, 公平对待,迅速解决问题, bet365中文大学 will investigate all ethical misconduct complaints in accordance with 的 Framework for Institutional Policies and Procedures to Deal with Fraud in 研究, published in 1988 by 的 Association of American Universities, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 和研究生委员会. This due process is outlined in Appendix 2-C of 的 university's Working Policy, available online 在这里.



的 university's 的指导方针 on intellectual property are currently being revised and expanded. 的 的指导方针 will be posted 在这里 once 的 review process has been completed.